7 men and 3 girls completed my survey
Under 15: 1
16-18: 3
19-21: 5
22-24: 1
25+: 0
Do you like the colour scheme of the ident?
yes: 8
no: 2
Do you prefer animated or real life idents?
Animated: 5
real life:4
unsure: 1
What time do you watch E4?
12pm-2pm: 1
3pm-5pm: 1
6pm-8pm: 4
11pm onwards: 1
what is your favorite show?
Big bang theory: 4
rules of engagement: 1
how I met your mother: 1
New girl: 1
two broke girls: 1
Other: 1
Do you like the E4 idents?
Yes: 9
No: 1
Unsure: 0
White british: 6
black caribbean: 1
Black british: 1
Asian: 1
student: 7
Unemployed: 0
professional: 2
What do you like about E4?
3 people said they liked watching it because of the wide range of shows.
1 person said there was nothing they liked about E4.
6 people said they enjoyed watching E4.
1. This pie chart shows the amount of males and females that took my survey. As you can see more males took this survey than females.
2. This pie chart shows the range of ages that took this survey. As you can see the majority of the people are ages between 16-18.
3. This pie chart shows the range of different ethnicity. As you can see the main ethnicity that took part in the survey is white British.
4. This pie chart shows the different occupations in which the people that took the survey are. As you can see a very large percentage of the people that took the survey are students and unemployed.
5. This pie chart shows the different programmes that are shown on E4. As you can see "How I Met Your Mother" is the most popular program voted by the people that took the survey.This helps me decide when to show my ident.
6. This pie chart shows what people like to see in an ident. The most popular things that people like to see in an ident are creativity and colours that follow the colour scheme of the channel. This will also help me make my ident appeal to my target audience.
7. This pie chart shows the types of programs shown on E4. As you can see the most popular genre is comedy. This will help me decide what programs to show me ident before.
8. This pie chart shows the different times of day in which people watch tv. The most popular times is late evening and early morning, this will help me decide when during the day i should show my ident.
9. This pie chart shows whether people like the colour scheme of E4 or not. The results shows 50/50.
10. This pie chart shows whether people like animation idents or not. The results show that the majority of the people that took the survey do not like animated idents.
pass for merit analyse